Main » 2013 September 19 » Physics- Part-1
6:04 PM Physics- Part-1 |
Note:In this part, I will be explaining to you the importance of Physics as a subject of study. Physics is the most fundamental science. Knowledge of physics forms the base for all the branches of science and engineering. So for a science student it is very important to gain a basic knowledge of physics. That is why physics is a compulsory subject for science students in 11th and 12th class in India. What is Physics? It is very easy to define chemistry or biology. Chemistry is the science that studies material transformations which occur in nature. Biology is the science that studies about Life and Processes related to Life. Chemistry and Biology have therefore a very well defined area of interest. But if we consider physics, we see, in physics we study about motion, force, energy, light, heat, gravitation, electricity, atoms, nucleus of atoms, molecules, planets, stars, universe etc. the list is endless. Thus we see, in physics we study about atoms, nucleus, electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks... at one extreme, and we study about galaxies and universe at the other extreme. And in physics we also study about everything that comes in between these two extremes. So what is left? Nothing frankly! So we can say in physics we study about everything that is part of nature. That is why it is very difficult to define the scope of physics. But still if we like to define physics we can say Physics is that branch of science in which we try to understand the rules by which the nature works at every level of its existence (from microscopic to the mega macroscopic) People think that by studying science in general, and physics in particular, they will be able to answer all the WHY?, WHAT? Or HOW? questions. But mind you, that is not the aim of physics. Aim of physics is to understand the rules behind the working of nature. Yes, by gaining such understanding you will surely answer some WHY?, WHAT? or HOW? questions, but some questions may remain unanswered. For example, everybody knows that some particles(like electrons) posses a property called Electrical Charge. But why do they possess electric charge? Why there are two kinds of charges in nature whereas there is only one kind of mass? Why electrical force can be both attractive or repulsive whereas gravitational force is always attractive? There is no answer to these questions. These are facts. Yes, in future with the expansion in our knowledge about the rules of nature, we may answer some of these questions but today we can't. And even if we don't know the answers to these "why?" questions, then also the knowledges that we gained from the above facts are helpful to human race. The entire branch of electrical engineering is based on the fact that Electric Charge exists which can flow through a conducting wire to give Electric Current. Although we don't know why electric charge exists in the first place. Since we study about the entire nature in physics that is why the knowledge gained in physics about nature is universally applicable. For example, Law of Conservation of Energy has been find to be true everywhere. Newton's Laws of motion are (at small speeds) true for every moving object, whether living or non-living or astronomical. Knowledges about the rules of working of nature that we gain in physics are very useful for other sciences as well. For example, the knowledges about the structure of atoms or about how atoms can combine to form molecules... etc have been generated in physics (in Quantum Mechanics). These knowledges form the foundation for chemistry. The subject of chemistry can't even begin if we do not have a proper understanding of atoms and their structure. So we see chemistry is totally dependent upon physics for its foundations. That is why Physical Chemistry( which is "physics needed to understand chemistryā€¯) is one of the branch of chemistry which every chemistry student must study. Biology of modern times is totally dependent upon chemistry. Because today in biology, we know, all life-processes are controlled by genes which are sequences of DNA( Deo-xyribonucleic Acid). Genes regulate life processes by chemically manufacturing hormones ( a chemical compound). So we see, chemistry depends upon physics and biology depends upon chemistry. Thus, we see, indirectly biology too depends upon physics. Biology directly needs the knowledge of physics too. For example, to understand the working of brain we need the knowledge of electromagnetic waves and their properties, because Neurons interact with one another through em-waves. Experimental biology uses the techniques and discoveries in physics directly for its benefit. For example, structure of cell ( building block of life) was known only with the help of Electron Microscope. Structure of DNA was understood with the help of techniques called X-ray crystallography. That is why physics is called the mother of all sciences |
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