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Main » 2013 » September » 19 » CBSE wants IIT-JEE (Main) to be conducted twice a year
7:24 PM
CBSE wants IIT-JEE (Main) to be conducted twice a year

Engineering aspirants had dealt with much confusion this year when the single Joint Entrance Examination for IIT (IIT-JEE) was split into two - JEE Mains and JEE Advanced. Now if that weren't enough, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), which conducts the JEE Mains, is planning to conduct JEE Main twice a year for 2014 - one in February and the other in April. 


The final call on this will be taken at a meeting of the Joint Entrance Examination Apex body on 17 September. 

The logic is that candidates can take both the exams and the best score of the two will be considered for the JEE-Advanced. Students get a second chance.

An extra test will add to the long list of exams that students have to appear for, adding to the exam preparation pressure on them. The February JEE will clash with the state board, CBSE & ICSE board exams. Students of ICSE and state board will bear the brunt of this as they will have to separately study portions of the CBSE syllabus to prepare for the first of the JEE Mains.

The CBSE official assured that they would schedule the JEE-Main exam in February without letting it clash with the February board exams. But the pressure of the extra exam would always remain.

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